The Sulfur Level Challenge

Richard G. Stambaugh, Merichem Company, USA, discusses the available technologies for lowering refineries’ sulfur emissions in order to meet tightening regulations.
Among the 1.4 billion vehicles that are currently on the roads worldwide, more than 23 million use LPG or propane autogas as a fuel source. It is the third most common engine fuel behind gasoline and diesel, and the most popular alternative fuel globally. An environmentally-friendly fuel that is prevalent among fleet and public transportation, LPG produces 99% fewer particulate emissions than gasoline and diesel. It also produces 10 – 15% less CO2 and releases 50 – 60% less NO2 and other hydrocarbons into the atmosphere. Because the fuel systems of LPG vehicles are tightly sealed, there are no evaporative emissions while running or parked. Additionally, they do not significantly contribute to acid rain because of low sulfur content.
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