Extracting Soluble Impurities from Hydrocarbon Streams, with Water

AQUAFINING | Water-Based Extraction of Impurities

Since 1978, AQUAFINING technology from Merichem Technologies has proven effective at removing soluble organic and inorganic impurities from liquid hydrocarbon streams. Employing our proprietary FIBER FILM® Contactor for mass transfer, it uses fresh water as the treating reagent.


With Merichem Technologies’ proprietary FIBER FILM® Contactor technology, AQUAFINING can effectively reduce costs and space requirements compared to alternative processing solutions.

  • A proven technology of the removal of carryover of caustics, amines, surfactants and oxygenates
  • With Merichem Technologies FIBER FILM® Contactor optimizing mass transfer, water-makeup is reduced to a minimum consumption, while reducing CAPEX and space requirements
  • Process produces spent alkaline water that can be easily handled in wastewater treatment plants

FFC Plus Technology

The latest iteration of Merichem Technologies’ FIBER FILM® Contactor technology, FFC Plus can increase hydrocarbon treating rates by up to 150 percent as compared to earlier designs.

Learn more about FIBER FILM Contactors »

AQUAFINING Applications

  • LPG Treatment
  • Natural Gas Treatment
  • Acid Gas Treatment
  • Off-Gas Treatment
  • Fuel Gas Treatment
  • Crude Distillation Units
  • Treating of Naphtha, Condensate, Jet Fuel, Kerosene and Diesel

How it Works

With Merichem Technologies’ FIBER FILM® Contactor, AQUAFINING technology increases the hydrocarbon surface area by orders of magnitude, significantly improving the efficiency of mass transfer. Impurities can more easily diffuse between phases with little or no emulsification, carryover or high‑pressure drop.

Established Performance

Merichem® has provided solutions to the oil and gas industry for over half a century, establishing leading expertise in caustic treatment technology, catalysts and service solutions. With that expertise comes extensive capabilities that include design, engineering, fabrication, testing and support.

Committed to Our Customers

Merichem Technologies’ expertise comes from a long history of listening to our customers, understanding their challenges and devising innovative and industry-changing solutions. This commitment has never changed.

Proven Flexibility, Global Reach

Our processing solutions extend around the world. For decades, Merichem Technologies has helped solve the industry’s biggest treatment challenges with comprehensive products and services.

We have licensed more than 85 AQUAFINING units worldwide